
VLBI2010 - The TWIN radio telescope project at Wettzell, Germany


The Twin Telescope Wettzell (TTW) Project is funded to be exec uted during the period of 2008-2011. The design of the TTW was based on the VLBI2010 vision of the corresponding IVS Working Group. In the first two project years the design passed the simulations with respect to its specifications and was approved for production. At the Geodetic Observatory Wettzell a thorough soil analysis was made in order to define the sites for the towers of the new radio telescopes. Meanwhile the construction work has begun and acceptance tests of several telescope parts, e.g. azimuth bearings, took place. The full assembly of the radio telescopes is scheduled for the next two years. In parallel to the construction work at the Wettzell site, the design work for the different feed options progressed

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