Finite element modelling of braided fibres subject to large deformations


This paper presents a numerical methodology to model elastic braided fibres. Elastic transversely isotropic material was used due to the anisotropy of the strands. Large deformation finite analysis based on large rotations / small strains total Lagrangian formulation was used to account for geometrical nonlinearities. Pre-processing was necessary to insert interface elements where strands are in self contact and with other materials, followed by a potential flow analysis that was undertaken to evaluate the fibre directions for every individual strand. An FE model of a knot demonstrates the important of defining interface elements, while a three plait braided model shows the importance of using a transversely isotropic model compared to an isotropic model. A twelve strand sinnet rope (T12) was also modelled using the proposed methodology and highlights new challenges when using dierent types of braiding

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