Melanocytic matricoma. Report of a further case with clinicopathological and immunohistochemical findings, differential diagnosis and review of the literature
. Melanocytic matricoma is a rare recently
described lesion. It usually presents as a pigmented,
dark-papular, crusted lesion on sun-damaged skin of
adult patients. Histopathologically, these lesions are
characterized by well-circumscribed nodules composed
of matrical and supramatrical cells with clustered
shadow cells, and admixed pigmented dendritic
melanocytes. It differs from matricomas and
pilomatricomas by its lack of calcification, cyst
formation, granulomas, and connections to the epidermis
and other adnexal structures. The clinical differential
diagnosis includes hemangioma, pigmented basal cell
carcinoma, and melanoma. Melanocytic matricoma
presumably is the representation of an epithelialmelanocytic
interaction in the anagen phase of the hair
cycle. An extensive search of the medical literature
revealed 11 reports of benign melanocytic matricomas
and 5 malignant counterparts. We report an additional
case of melanocytic matricoma with discussion of
clinicopathologic features and differential diagnosis