Effects of bombesin on the morphology and


The acute and chronic effects of bornbesin (BM) on the structure and function of rat adrenal cortex were investigated by rnorphornetric and radioirnrnunological techniques. An intraperitoneal bolus injection of 2 yglrat BM rnarkedly raised plasma corticosterone (B) concentration (PBC). The intraperitoneal BM infusion (1 yg/rat.h-l) for 1, 2 or 4 days evoked a notable increase in the nurnber of adrenocortical cells, without inducing apparent changes in either PBC or B output by adrenal quarters. Since proliferation and expression of specialized functions are rnutually exclusive states of cells, our findings suggest that the conspicuous stirnulation of adrenocortical-cell proliferation evoked by BM infusion may be responsible for the apparent lack of effect of this treatrnent on B secretion

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