Encephalopathy with astrocitic residual bodies. Report of a case and rewiev of the literature


Biopsy and autopsy findings in a girl who died at 7% months after having suffered from progressive axial hypotonia, myoclonus, EEG changes and retarded psychomotor development. Inclusions consisting of lamellar profiles, situated in membrane-bound cytosomes were found mainly in astrocytes, but also in neurones and in axons of peripheral nerves. Lipofuscin bodies were also increased in number. The patient belongs in the same category as cases studied by Towfighi et al. (1975) and Martin et al. (1977). Etiology and pathogenesis of this syndrome remain unknown. It is suggested, however, that the pathological changes observed might have been caused by the administration soon after birth of anti-epileptic dmgs (diphenylhydantoin, clonazepam and nitrazepan)

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