Learning at children\u27s halls and youth outdoor education centers ofundergraduate students in faculty of education ~Undergraduate original courses; Field Study of Education I- IV~


In Akita University, Department of School Education of Faculty of Education and Human Studies is a course in which students aim to become teachers. In addition to aiming to obtain a teaching license, students who belong to Akita University take field study of education classes, which are subjects unique to the faculty. Field study of education consists of I ~ IV classes. Class I conduct activities at children\u27s halls and the like, and class II activities are conducted in youth outdoor education centers, etc. It is rare that activities at children\u27s halls and youth outdoor education centers are compulsory in teacher training faculties. In class III and class IV, students learned at after school in elementary school. In this paper, I report on what students who aspire to become teachers learn at children\u27s halls and youth outdoor education centers, etc., and describe the educational effects of learning outside the university, which is different from teaching practice. 秋田大学教育文化学部学校教育課程は,教員を目指す課程である。所属する学生は教員免許の取得を目指 すことに加え,学部独自の科目である教育実地研究を受講する。教育実地研究はI ~ IV で構成されており,I は児童館等で活動を行い,II は少年自然の家等で活動を行う。III とIV では,小学校の放課後で学ぶ。教員養 成系学部において,児童館等や少年自然の家等での活動を必修化しているのは珍しい。本稿では,教員を目 指す学生の児童館等や少年自然の家等での学びを報告し,教育実習とは異なる学外での学びの教育効果につ いて述べる

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