The essence of Introspection


The work I create is experimental and stylized. I like to use certain art making processes such as photography or ceramics to document different events or emotions that are going on in my own personal life. The concept of taking something common and turning it into tangible art is a topic I am passionate about and continuously exploring. This particular body of work is a celebration of my journey working through my own personal experiences and highlights. As well as a way to honor my life, past and present. The imagery used in these photographs are inspired by places that are memorable to me and invoke the sense of nostalgia. These photos help document the ordinary moments that have accounted for so much of my life that oftentimes are forgotten. Throughout my work I am constantly finding myself dealing with the subject matter of a photograph, and problem solving on how to add the right amount of detail and information which allows the viewer to grasp the sense of nostalgia that I am creating. The ceramic work used in this show is a direct reflection of this emotion. The realistic cake slice represents the ‘party’ aspect one might feel when feeling a sense of accomplishment. In addition to this, the color scheme used throughout my work is influenced by childhood memories. Being able to manipulate an object brings a sense of awareness to it which plays a role in the concept of turning something boring into something extraordinary. Using art as a way to convey a feeling of sentimentality is something I like to do in my work. One contemporary artist that has been a heavy influence in my work past and present is Virgil Abloh, who was famous for his collaborative work with Louis Vuitton, as well as his sole label ‘Off White’. His way of taking mundane objects and creating elaborate art with them is something in which I can relate and admire. I see my work reflecting ideas similar to his such as remembering past experiences and using art as a way to voice those experiences. In addition to Virgil, another artist who had a great impact on me is Karl Baden -- a contemporary photographer who is best known for documenting and shaping perspectives with his images. This concept is something that I carry with me through my own work by constantly trying to convey thoughts or ideas that the viewer can also relate to. In addition to this, Baden’s photography is very stylistic and used in a documentary way. I relate to this because my work is similar in the fact that it is distinctive - regardless of medium. In addition to this I also enjoy the need to archive my experiences through photographs. I\u27d like my work to allow the audience to feel a sense of recollection of their own life experiences, and hopefully inspire someone to capture those memories too.

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