Active Learning Techniques to Improve Emotional Intelligence Among Student Registered Nurse Anesthetists


Students enrolled in nurse anesthesia programs are challenged to meet rigorous and lengthy clinical and didactic requirements throughout doctoral-level curriculums. Historically, admission into nurse anesthesia programs has been based on categories such as academic performance, intensive care nursing experience, and the curriculum vitae. However, emerging research has exhibited emotional intelligence as an essential skill for varying situations that may be encountered. Additionally, training can be utilized to increase emotional intelligence levels (Lolaty et al., 2012). The goal of this doctoral project was to provide emotional intelligence training for first-year student registered nurse anesthetists (SRNAs) at a mid-size University in the Midwestern United States. Project implementation involved a presentation given by an expert in the field of emotional intelligence, followed by two active learning sessions directed by a second-year SRNA, to reiterate concepts from the presentation. Pre- and post-emotional intelligence evaluation scores were obtained via the Mayer-Salovey-Caruso Emotional Intelligence Test (MSCEIT) along with subjective data about the training program via a post-implementation survey. Overall, total post- MSCEIT scores showed improvement compared to pre-scores, and survey results revealed positive student feedback. Keywords: emotional intelligence, training, active learning, nurse anesthesia, graduate student

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