Estrogen-inducible and liver-specific expression of the chicken Very Low Density Apolipoprotein II gene locus in transgenic mice.


We have examined the chicken Very Low Density Apolipoprotein II (apoVLDL II) gene locus in transgenic mice. A DNA fragment composed of the transcribed region, 16 kb of 5' flanking and 400 bp of 3' flanking sequences contained all the information sufficient for estrogen-inducible, liver-specific expression of the apoVLDL II gene. The far-upstream region contains a Negative Regulating Element coinciding with a DNaseI-hypersensitive site at -11 kb. In transgenic mice, the NRE at -11 kb is used for downregulating the expression to a lower maximum level. The NRE might be used for modulating apoVLDL II gene expression, and may be involved in the rapid shut-down of the expression after hormone removal

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