Prospectus, November 28, 1979


STARCASTLE\u27 FEATURED IN FIRST PRESENTING SHOW; Week in Review: Across the globe, In the nation, Around the state; Salt of the Earth : controversial film at PC; Iranians air grievances against Shah; Briefs: Board summary listed, Women Forum meets Sat.; Letters to the Editor: Letter reasons vs. Nolen\u27s logic, Voter writes to reveal real Kennedy opinion; Campus Question: How would you handle Irainian situation?; Classifieds; NFL playoffs make blurry pic; Sports shorts; Cobras split games, play at home Fri.; Winter survival tips can keep you alive; Reviews: After big talk, \u27Tusk\u27 gets low grade, \u27Keep the Fire\u27 keeps Loggins\u27 formula; Transfer students need financial aids transcript

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