Triazine herbicide exposure and breast cancer incidence: An ecologic study of Kentucky counties. Environmental Health Perspectives


The incidence of breast cancer in the United States has steadily ineased for the past three decades. E to exess estr n, in both natral andsas. bbeen ipcated as a risk factor for the devlop t of this di ogaocbloie sc as te triarn hricides,, anhir d.posilerl ih initation or pro motion of m beat OfK counties was i Exs to iazins w use ofwatcont corn crop produion, and peii udat A s Ine oftri was dveloped to dassify o into low, medium, or gh;exsr level. Data on county breast canr raetes w ined om the sate re*g. A Poison regesoaalysi wasper formed llig for age, race, age at first live band Resultsreveaed a ais si ine breastcm tiazine [odds ratio (OR)-m lil, O. OI andORm 1.2, re]. Th results suggest a relationship betvn exp oe ide i d bre cancer risk, but condusions co c ainnot be driawn, due to liations herent i

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