Optimizing Faecal Sludge Treatment Plant (FSTP) Management through Implementation of Scheduled Faecal Sludge Services (SFSS) (Case Study: Suwung FSTP and Kuta District, Bali)


Indonesia have achieved 79,53% access to improved and safely managed sanitation in 2020. The government has mandated an improvement in sanitation access to 90% through National Mid-Term Development Plan in order to fulfill 100% access to water and sanitation as stated in Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The province of Bali was able to achieve improved sanitation access up to 89%, but it is not yet safely managed. One of the government's efforts to achieve safely managed sanitation is through the implementation of septic tank regular desludging program named the Scheduled Faecal Sludge Service (SFSS) system. This research aims to formulate SFSS implementation strategy by assessing user aspect (Willingness to Pay/WTP and Ability to Pay/ATP), financial aspect, and technology aspect. The research methodology used are interview using questionnaires for user aspect; Interactive Septage Management toolkit for financial aspect; and technology audit method combined with pairwise comparison method for technology aspect. Strength-Weakness-opportunity-Threat (SWOT) analysis was used to provide recommendation for implementation strategy. Questionnaires were given to 100 respondents who live in Kuta District and it was found that 87.13% strongly agree with SFSS program, WTP is Rp. 9.110,- and ATP is Rp. 30.050,-. Financial aspect analysis result shows service rate of Rp. 9.722,- per month and 37 desludging trucks are needed to serve Badung Regency and Denpasar City. Technology audit consist of technoware, humanware, infoware and orgaware (THIO) variables and involved 13 key informants. The overall performance of Suwung FSTP was 81.46%, which indicates good performance with the performance of the THIO variables is 72.22%, 86.67%, 90.28%, and 76.67% consecutively. Scenario analysis shows that should SFSS has been implemented in the study area, the FSTP performance can be increased to 89.79%. SWOT analysis result shows that implementation strategy include establishing partnerships with the private sector, combining data management with a centralized system, improving services and making regulations that support the SFSS program

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