Chandrayaan-3 Alternate Landing Site: Pre-Landing Characterisation


India's third Moon mission Chandrayaan 3 will deploy a lander and a rover at a high latitude location of the Moon enabling us to carry out first ever in-situ science investigations of such a pristine location that will potentially improve our understanding on primary crust formation and subsequent modification processes. The primary landing site (PLS), is situated at 69.367621 degS, 32.348126 degE. As a contingency, an alternate landing site (ALS) was also selected at nearly the same latitude but nearly 450 km west to PLS. In this work, a detailed study of the geomorphology, composition, and temperature characteristics of ALS has been carried out using the best-ever high resolution Chandrayaan 2 OHRC DEMs and Ortho images, datasets obtained from Chandrayaan 1 and on-going Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter. For understanding the thermophysical behaviour, we used a well-established thermophysical model. We found that the Chandrayaan 3 ALS is characterised by a smooth topography with an elevated central part. The ALS is a scientifically interesting site with a high possibility of sampling ejecta materials from Tycho and Moretus. Based on the spectral and elemental analysis of the site, Fe is found to be near approx. 4.8 wt.%, with Mg approx. 5 wt.%, and Ca approx. 11 wt.%. Compositionally, ALS is similar to PLS with a highland soil composition. Spatial and diurnal variability of around 40 K and 175 K has been observed in the surface temperatures at ALS. Although belonging to similar location like PLS, ALS showed reduced daytime temperatures and enhanced night-time temperatures compared to PLS, indicating a terrain of distinctive thermophysical characteristics. Like PLS, ALS is also seems to be an interesting site for science investigations and Chandrayaan 3 is expected to provide new insights into the understanding of lunar science even if it happens to land in the alternate landing site.Comment: 13 pages, 7 figure

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