Estrategia metodológica para el desarrollo de las relaciones lógico-matemáticas en el nivel de inicial


In early education, the processes of logical-mathematical notions oriented to the cognitive development of preschool children are relevant. The objective of the research was to design a methodological strategy for the development of logical-mathematical relations in 3-year-old children of the Francisco Pacheco Educational Unit. The research was non-experimental, explanatory and with a mixed approach. The sample consisted of 23 3-year-old children, 23 parents, 3 teachers, 2 authorities and 4 members of the Technical Pedagogical Commission. The methods used were theoretical, empirical and mathematical or statistical, using techniques such as observation and survey with their respective instruments. The methodological proposal is focused on creative and playful actions aimed at the development of logical-mathematical relations in early education children, with activities where attention and constancy will be indispensable. This research contributes to society relevant and novel aspects based on activities related to the fulfillment of learning objectives, since they have been structured in a gradual way, to allow the development of skills according to the maturity of each child. Keywords: activities, methodological strategy, logical reasoning, resources, logical-mathematical relations.En educación inicial, los procesos de las nociones lógico-matemáticas orientadas al desarrollo cognitivo de los niños en edad preescolar son relevantes. El objetivo de la investigación fue diseñar una estrategia metodológica para el desarrollo de las relaciones lógico-matemáticas en los niños de 3 años de la Unidad Educativa Francisco Pacheco. La investigación fue no experimental, explicativa y con un enfoque mixto. La muestra estuvo integrada por 23 niños de 3 años, 23 padres de familia, 3 docentes, 2 autoridades y 4 miembros de la Comisión Técnico Pedagógica. Los métodos utilizados fueron los teóricos, empíricos y matemáticos o estadísticos, se emplearon técnicas como la observación, y encuesta con sus respectivos instrumentos. La propuesta metodológica está enfocada en acciones creativas y lúdicas que destinen el desarrollo de la relaciones lógico matemáticas en los niños de educación inicial, con actividades donde la atención y la constancia serán indispensables, esta investigación aporta a la sociedad aspectos relevantes y novedosos en base a actividades relacionadas al cumplimiento de los objetivos de aprendizaje ya que se han estructurado de manera gradual, para permitir el desarrollo de las destrezas acordes a la madurez de cada niño. Palabras claves: actividades, estrategia metodológica, razonamiento lógico, recursos, relaciones lógico-matemáticas. ABSTRACT In early education, the processes of logical-mathematical notions oriented to the cognitive development of preschool children are relevant. The objective of the research was to design a methodological strategy for the development of logical-mathematical relations in 3-year-old children of the Francisco Pacheco Educational Unit. The research was non-experimental, explanatory and with a mixed approach. The sample consisted of 23 3-year-old children, 23 parents, 3 teachers, 2 authorities and 4 members of the Technical Pedagogical Commission. The methods used were theoretical, empirical and mathematical or statistical, using techniques such as observation and survey with their respective instruments. The methodological proposal is focused on creative and playful actions aimed at the development of logical-mathematical relations in early education children, with activities where attention and constancy will be indispensable. This research contributes to society relevant and novel aspects based on activities related to the fulfillment of learning objectives, since they have been structured in a gradual way, to allow the development of skills according to the maturity of each child. Keywords: activities, methodological strategy, logical reasoning, resources, logical-mathematical relations. Información del manuscrito:Fecha de recepción: 25 de enero de 2023.Fecha de aceptación: 12 de abril de 2023.Fecha de publicación: 17 de mayo de 2023

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