Does platelet-rich plasma improve patellar tendinopathy symptoms?


Q: Does platelet-rich plasma improve patellar tendinopathy symptoms? Evidence-based answer: IT’S UNCLEAR. High-quality data have not consistently established the effectiveness of platelet-rich plasma (PRP) injections to improve symptomatic recovery in patellar tendinopathy, compared to placebo (strength of recommendation [SOR]: A, based on 3 small randomized controlled trials [RCTs]). The 3 small RCTs included only 111 patients, total. One found no evidence of significant improvement with PRP compared to controls. The other 2 studies showed mixed results, with different outcome measures favoring different treatment groups and heterogeneous results depending on follow-up duration.Emily Wolfenden, MD, MPH; Brian Vukelic, MD; Matthew DeMarco, MD; Jordan Knox, MD (University of Utah, Salt Lake City) Dominik Ose, DrPH, MPH (University of Utah, Salt Lake City)Includes bibliographical reference

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