Individual Difference as a Factor in Ethical Decision-Making


Despite the dominance of modernistic ethics in counseling there has been a growing development of postmodern thought. There has been a growing understanding the limitations of ethical codes and purely rational thinking in ethical decision-making. Part of this new paradigm is an appreciation for the role of affect and context in the decision-making process. A post-modern approach to counseling ethics seems to be increasingly accepted among persons working in the social service field but little research has been attempted to evaluate the implications of such a change in training and practice. This study attempted to explore possible relationships between individual personality traits, habituated coping strategies, and emotional intensity when assessing ethical dilemmas or situations. Participants (N = 74) of this survey research were asked to complete an online survey to determine personality traits, positive and negative problem-solving strategies, level of emotional intensity, and other demographic information. Two regression analysis and a Pearson product-moment correlation procedure were used to analyze the collected data. No significant relationships were identified. The study concludes with an analysis of limitations and a discussion and important considerations for future research

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