Not Available


Not AvailableFPOs are non-profi t groups run by the farmers who actively engage in deciding on policies and setting priorities for the organization. They do not discriminate on the basis of gender, socioeconomic class, race, political affi liation, or religion and are open to anybody who can use their services and is ready to accept the obligations of membership. To measure the group dynamics eff ectiveness among members of FPOs, an index was developed with Likert’s summated rating technique during 2021-2022. A list of 108 items under 13 indicators regarding group dynamics eff ectiveness were sent to 120 experts for their relevancy using google forms and personal follow up. Based on 40 experts’ responses, the Relevancy Percentage (RP), Relevancy Weightage (RW) and Mean Relevancy Scores (MRS) were estimated. Sixty-one items with RP > 70, RW > 0.70 and overall MRS > 2.3 were considered for item analysis regarding group dynamics eff ectiveness. These items were administrated to 40 farmers. Based on t-value (>1.75) resulting from item analysis, 53 items were fi nally retained under 11 indicators in the group dynamics eff ectiveness index. The Cronbach’s alpha value was found to be 0.98 which showed high reliability. The validity and reliability measures of the index indicated the precision and consistency.Not Availabl

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