The effectiveness of a program based on symbolic communication in reducing challenging behaviors and improving social interaction among individuals with autism spectrum disorder who have intellectual disability in Jordan


The study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of a program based on symbolic communication in reducing challenging behaviors and improving social interaction among among individuals with autism spectrum disorder who have intellectual disability in Jordan. The sample of the study consisteded of (8) participants between (8-15) years, at Autism Specialized Center for Autism in Amman. To achieve the aim of the study, the scale challenging behavior, scale of social interaction, and the training program, were constructed. The validity and reliability of the tools were verified. The results indicated that there were statistically significant differences in the scores of the participants in the pre and post applications of the Challenge Behavior Scale, and the differences came in favor of the post-test. The results also showed that there were statistically significant differences in the scores of the participants in the pre and post-test of the social interaction scale, and the differences came in favor of the post measurement. The study ended with recommendations related to the results

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