Materials, new technological trends, interaction modeling and the role of quantum generators - lasers today


Interakcija lasera sa materijalom je već dugo godina aktuelna sa mnogo rešenja, koja su postala komercijalna i gde se i ne stavlja u prvi plan da je reč o laserskom izvoru. To se utapa u elionska rešenja i poređenja delovanja snopova plazme, vode, neutrona, mikrotalasa. Razvijaju se osnovni teorijski i prakrtični evaluirani modeli. U modeliranju, modeli se dalje razvijaju, često se odmah prelazi na numeriku i u zavisnosti od energije / snage, repeticije radne laserske stanice, mogu se birati aproksimacije. U radu će se na osnovu eksperimentalnih izlaganja snopovima formirati niz pretpostavki o predviđanju i krojenju svojstava starog materijala mogućim novim, izazvanim modifikacijama različitim tehnikama. Posebno će se razmotriti i slučajevi gde se ne zanemaruju efekti uzmaka i ovaj pristup je takođe prikazan, kao i sprega sa akustičnim pojavama. Svojstva materijala biće pokrivena novim spektroskopskim podacima, odnosno komparativnošću ili sagledavanjem materijala iz različitih uglova gledanja, pri čemu podudaranje / nepodudaranje sa teorijskim prilazom, samo po sebi, daje novi pogled na materijale. S druge strane, traže se paralelni procesi koji su prisutni tokom interakcije , ali usled pojave nelinearnih efekata pri većim intenzitetima dolazi do promene mesta raznih pragova za njihovo nastupanje (kao stimulativni procesi, indukovani, i koji se pojavljuju pored spontanih). Kako se i sam lasing pojavljuje kao deo interakcije stimulisane svetlosti / zračenja sa materijalom, posmatra se i pitanje koeficijenata korisnog dejstva lasera i pragovi lasing-а. Postavlja se i paralela interferometrija / holografija / tomografija sa atributom laserska. Izveli smo naše simulacije za neke od procesa interakcije / rasejanja i eksperimentalne ekspozicije različitim tipovima lasera.The interaction of lasers with material has been current for many years with many solutions,which have become commercial and where it is not brought to the fore that it is a laser source. It is drowned in elion solutions and compares the effects of plasma beams, water, neutrons, microwaves. Basic theoretical and practical evaluated models are developed. In modeling, models are further developed, often immediately switching to numerics and depending on the energy /power, repetitions of the working laser station, approximations could be chosen. In the paper, on the basis of experimental exposures to beams, a series of assumptions will be formed about the forecast and tailoring of the properties of the old material with possible new ones, caused by modifications with various techniques. Special consideration will also be given to cases where the effects of recoil are not neglected and this approach is also shown, as well as coupling with acoustic phenomena. The properties of materials will be covered with new spectroscopic data, or the comparability or seeing of materials from various angles of view, where matching / non-matching with the theoretical approach, in itself, gives a new view of materials. On the other hand, parallel processes are sought, which are present during the interaction, but due to the appearance of non- linear effects at higher intensities, there is a change in the place of various thresholds for their occurrence (as stimulating processes, induced, which appear in addition to spontaneous ones). As lasing itself appears as part of the interaction of stimulated light /radiation with the material, the question of the coefficients of the useful effect of the laser and the thresholds of lasing is also observed. Parallel interferometry / holography / tomography with laser attribute is also set up. We performed our simulations for some of the interaction / scattering processes and experimental exposures to different types of lasers.Scientific Conferences Book LVIII Department of natural-mathematical and technical Sciences Book 5

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