A computing structure for data acquisition in high energy physics


A review of the development of parallel computing ispresented, followed by a summary of currently recognised typesof parallel computer and a brief summary of some applicationsof parallel computing in the field of high energy physics.The computing requirement at the data acquisition stageof a particular set of high energy physics experiments isdetailed, with reference to the computing system currently inuse. The requirement for a parallel processor to process thedata from these experiments is established and a possiblecomputing structure put forward.The topology proposed consists of a set of rings ofprocessors stacked to give a cylindrical arrangement, ananalytical approach is used to verify the suitability andextensibility of the suggested scheme. Using simulationresults the behaviour of rings and cylinders of processorsusing different algorithms for the movement of data within thesystem and different patterns of data input is presented anddiscussed.Practical hardware and software details for processingequipment capable of supporting such a structure as presentedhere is given, various algorithms for use with this equipment,e. g. program distribution, are developed and the software forthe implementation of the cylindrical structure is presented.Appendices of constructional information and all programlistings are included

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