Design and optimization of electrical machines with high anisotropy for transport applications


In the following thesis, different solutions of PMASR and low-PM amount Interior Permanent Magnet (IPM) for different traction applications are presented, optimized, and finally experimentally validated. The work here reported reflects different research activities done during the 3-year Ph.D. program. Here it has been split into 5 chapters: Chapter 1: a comprehensive historical and technical review regarding electric motors in the transport sector and PM materials is presented as an introduction, to explain why a low-PM amount electric motor solution has to be preferred to a conventional PM electric motor solution. The current EVs automotive market and the available EVs lineup are analyzed from a technical point of view. Chapter 2: two different case studies are presented: the first one consists of a small-EV application, whereas the second case study consists of a light-railway application, such as trams or small trains. For the first one both a PMASR and an Inset IPM topology have been proposed, while in the second one a particular IPM machine topology has been considered the best candidate. In both cases, a sensitivity analysis based also on some analytical considerations has been completed to get proper designs to cover the requested performance. Chapter 3: For both cases presented in the previous chapter, a further optimization procedure based on Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithms has been performed, to reach the best final topology solutions. Chapter 4: The experimental validations for both motors presented as solutions for Case 1 (PMASR and Inset IPM) are here reported and commented, using back-emf and flux mapping procedures. Chapter 5: Two further IPM solutions for Case 1 are reported. The two solutions present the same stator topologies used for the manufactured motors analyzed in the previous chapter, allowing further reduce the PM weight. The mechanical stress studies have been performed and the designs have been deliberated to be eventually manufactured to conduct the same experimental validation procedure presented in chapter 4. Chapter 6: the work presented is briefly summarised and some conclusions based on the findings reported in the previous chapters are given. Possible future extensions to the work are presented

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