Citizen Involvement In Public' Policy


The theme of this research work is citizen involvement in public policy.Participation is both a subject of the research and the perspective through which a range of different policy areas are approached. These include land-use planning, social services, community care, poverty, child care and the future of welfare. Participation is also central to the chosen research methodology and methods. A particular focus is placed on the perspective of the subjects of public policy. The research also explores social care service users' discourses on their rights and needs and the relation of public policy to them, particularly the discourses of psychiatric system survivors and disabled people. 23 publications have been submitted as part of this application (see Appendix). They' are part of a much larger body of work undertaken by the candidate over the same period. They have been selected to reflect some of the key themes identified, explored and developed in the candidate's work. These works have been undertaken over a period of 18 years. Such a length of time means that there have not only been significant developments in the research, but also in its subject matter. The two are in close and dynamic relationship. Over this period, there have been major changes and developments in public policy, politics, welfare and academic debates. The research work has responded to these broader developments.They have influenced its focus and direction and it has sought to influence them. There is currently considerable interest in issues of participation and empowerment. They have gained priority over the period of this work as subjects of study, research, practice and public policy. They are now embodied in a wide range of UK government legislation and guidance. However this is a relatively recent development. The candidate's work starts at a time when participation was much lower on political, academic and professional agendas and it both reflects and takes forward discussion and developments in this field. The particular history of participation has implications both for the kind of questions which the research has asked and the way in which it has been financed and supported. Participation is also associated with a range of key concepts which currently have high priority on public and academic agendas. These include: citizenship, social exclusion, empowerment, community, identity and diversity. The research work has addressed all of these. The work has sought to address a series of key research questions which participation raises. These have emerged, changed and developed over time

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