Polish pupils in London schools: opportunities and challenges.


The study, Polish Pupils in London Schools: opportunities and challenges, highlighted how Polish children share many challenges faced by other new arrivals but also bring specific issues related to the migration strategies of their parents. The nature of their migration also means that Polish children often have little preparation for English education and this can mean that their transition into British schools may be difficult and they may need considerable support over an extended period. Many interviews with both teachers and parents reinforced the stereotype of Polish children as clever, hard working and diligent. The research suggests that this image simplifies a far more complex reality and not all Polish pupils were able to achieve as highly as the parents expected. A particularly striking finding was the mismatch in expectation between parents and teachers, especially about the information provided about the children's progress. Parents were often uncertain about how the British system worked and this caused confusion and some anxiety. Our findings identified examples of good practice but also concerns about lack of information and resources. They also highlighted the need for better parental engagement and information and training opportunities for teacher

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