Living in chronic times [Curator]


‘Living In Chronic Times’ responds to “a contemporary ‘war’ on death”. Through a comprehensive investigation with an interdisciplinary survey of arts and health practitioners, Lippett aims to question the cause and affect of a chronically ‘death anxious’ population. She will highlight the paradoxical relationship between false understandings of mortality as a ‘curable’ human condition, particularly at a time of acute funding cuts to the NHS resulting in longer waiting times, dehumanised ‘care’ and an uncanny ‘acceptance’ of unethical or undignified endings. A multilayered project, ‘Living In Chronic Times’ will investigate such false understandings in relation to the recent phenomena of digital legacy and death services that Lippett suggests manipulate contemporary death anxiety in order to profit from our growing web-based labour before, and after, we die. Thursday 7th July / Deptford Cinema, London Screening (1) Oreet Ashery, ’Revisiting Genesis’ (x12 episodes) with supporting film by Duncan Loudon Curator led Panel Discussion. Panel: Oreet Ashery (Artist and Director) Martin O’Brien (Bambi) Vanda Playford (Nurse Jackie) Duncan Loudan (Artist) Tuesday 12th July / Chisenhale Studios, London Workshop 1 : Chronic Time / Ethics Of Care 3 talks and curator led panel discussion Sarah Lippett, ‘Time, Storytelling, Illness and Death’ Martin O’Brien, ’Performing The Chronic Body’ Lisa Baraitser and Laura Salisbury, ‘Waiting Times: Waiting and Care in the Time of Modernity’ Wednesday 13th July / Chisenhale Studios Workshop 2 : Digital Ethics Exhibition: Sarah Derat, ‘Birth Of Anaesthesia’, Video Installation, 2012 Evening: Talk between curator and artist Sarah Derat Thursday 14th July / Chisenhale Studios Workshop 3 : (Anti) Ageing Reading Group: Lynne Segal: ‘Out Of Time : The Pleasures and Perils of Ageing’ Deptford Cinema, London Screening (2) In collaboration with the Richard Saltoun Gallery, London Friedl Kubelka, ‘Me too, too, me too’ and Other Stories (45 mins) and curatorial talk Friday 15th July Workshop 4 : Dawn of The (Digital) Dead ’Digital Legacy Writing Workshop’ led by Samantha Lippett Rachel McRae, ‘Level 350’, Performance and Q&A Saturday 16th July Workshop 5 : Endings / Breaking The Taboo Reading group with texts by: Marion Coutts, ‘The Iceberg : A Memoir’ Atul Gawande, ‘Being Mortal : Medicine and What Matters In The End’ Emma Berentsen, ‘The Last Supper’, Performative Dinner Thomas Cameron, ’At 6 with 7’, Sound Performance and Drinks Ceremon

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