Developing coaches’ knowledge of the athlete-coach relationship through formal coach education: the perceptions of FA Coach Developers


Developing high quality A-C relationships improves both athlete performance and well-being. However, content relating to the A-C relationship has been underrepresented within coach education. The study evaluates how coaches completing the English FA’s UEFA A and B Licenses develop knowledge of the A-C relationship. It does so by drawing on the perspectives of those who design and deliver the courses. Semi structured interviews were completed with nine experienced FA coach developers alongside a document analysis of seven key course documents. Data was analysed through an inductive thematic analysis and five themes were generated; 1.) Coach developers understand the A-C relationship is built on trust, care and hard and soft interpersonal approaches. 2.) The triad of knowledge impacts on the A-C relationship, not just interpersonal knowledge. 3.) The A-C relationship is not meaningfully addressed in the formalised course content. 4.) In situ visits provide an effective medium to develop knowledge of the A-C relationship. 5.) The assessment framework does not align with the formalised course content. Findings demonstrate despite a diversification in content, the A-C relationship is introduced in a superficial manner. Future research should clarify the knowledge coaches require to develop high quality A-C relationships within a high-performance footballing context

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