Design of v-substituted tife-based alloy for target pressure range and easy activation


Data Availability Statement: Not applicable.Copyright © 2021 by the authors. Titanium iron (TiFe) alloy is a room-temperature hydrogen-storage material, and it absorbs hydrogen via a two-step process to form TiFeH and then TiFeH2. The effect of V addition in TiFe alloy was recently elucidated. The V substitution for Ti sublattice lowers P2/P1 ratio, where P1 and P2 are the equilibrium plateau pressure for TiFe/TiFeH and TiFeH/TiFeH2, respectively, and thus restricts the two-step hydrogenation within a narrow pressure range. The focus of the present investigation was to optimize the V content such that maximum usable storage capacity can be achieved for the target pressure range: 1 MPa for absorption and 0.1 MPa for desorption. The effect of V substitution at selective Ti or Fe sublattices was closely analyzed, and the alloy composition Ti46Fe47.5V6.5 displayed the best performance with ca. 1.5 wt.% of usable capacity within the target pressure range. At the same time, another issue in TiFe-based alloys, which is a difficulty in activation at room temperature, was solved by Ce addition. It was shown that 3 wt.% Ce dispersion in TiFe alloy imparted to it easy room-temperature (RT) activation properties.Korea Institute of Science and Technology (grant number 2E30993); “Technology Development Program to Solve Climate Changes” of the National Research Foundation funded by the Ministry of Science and ICT of Korea (NRF-2020M1A2A2080881)

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