Infrastructure management in multicloud environments


With the increasing number of cloud service providers and data centres around the world, cloud services users are becoming increasingly concerned about where their data is stored and who has access to the data. The legal reach of customers’ countries does not expand over the country’s borders without special agreements that can take a long while to get. Because it is safer for a cloud service customer to use a cloud service provider that is domestically legally accounta-ble, customers are moving to using these cloud service providers. For the case company this causes both a technical problem and a managerial problem. The technical problem is how to manage cloud environments when the business expands to multiple countries, with said countries customers requiring that the data is stored within their country. Different cloud service providers can also be heterogeneous in their features to manage infrastructure, which makes managing and developing the infrastructure even more difficult. For example, application programming interfaces (API) that makes automation easier can vary between providers. From a management point of view, different time zones also make it harder to quickly respond to any issues in the IT infrastruc-ture when the case company employees are working in the same time zone. The objective of this thesis is to address the issue by investigating which tools and functionali-ties are commonly utilized for automating IT infrastructure and are additionally supported by cloud service providers while being compatible with the specific requirements of the organization in question. The research will help the case organization replace and add new tools to help maintain the IT infrastructure. This thesis will not investigate the managerial problem of case company em-ployees working in the same time zone. The thesis will also not research security, version control, desktop and laptop management or log collection tools or produce a code-based solution to set-ting up an IT environment since further research needs to be done after the tools presented in this thesis have been decided upon. The research does also not investigate every cloud service pro-vider in every country as case company business strategies can change and the size of the thesis would grow too much. Qualitative research method is used for this thesis and the data gathered comes from literature and articles from various source. Both literature and article review provided the theoretical aspects of this research. Data was also gathered by looking at a few countries that have companies whose business is cloud service providing and comparing the findings regarding infrastructure management and automatization. The research is divided into five parts. The first part tries to introduce the background, re-search objective and structure of the research., while the second part tries to explain the theoreti-cal background. In the third part of the research methodology is explained as what material was used and how it was gathered and descriptions of the results, fourth part analyses the results, while the fifth and final part concludes the research

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