
Rendicontazione scientifica mandata all'INAF alla conclusione del progetto COMpton Polarimeter with Avalanche Silicon readout (COMPASS), finanziato dal bando TECNO INAF 2014COMpton Polarimeter with Avalanche Silicon readout (COMPASS) is a research and development project that aims to measure the polarization of X-ray photons through Compton Scattering. The measurement is obtained by using a set of small rods of fast scintillation materials with both low-Z (as active scatterer) and high-Z (as absorber), all read-out with Silicon Photomultipliers. By this method we can operate scattering and absorbing elements in coincidence, in order to reduce the background. This is the scientific report submitted to INAF at the end of the COMPASS project, funded through the grant TECNO INAF 201

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