New Trends in Orthopaedic Surgery Residency Applications: The Role of Preference Signaling


Introduction Orthopaedic surgery is known to be one of the most competitive specialties for medical students to pursue. It is important for applicants to have a strong portfolio of achievements, including research, presentations, and volunteering to increase chances of matching. USMLE scores and AOA membership tend to be higher among residency applicants that match into orthopaedic surgery. Moreover, the match rate for orthopaedics is lower at 74% compared to the overall match rate of 93.8%.1 To increase chances of matching into an orthopaedic program, it is recommended to start preparing early and stay informed about trends and strategies in orthopaedic surgery residency matching. This paper aims to provide insight on the new preference signaling program for medical students considering orthopaedic surgery. We also hope this article can serve as a guide for students in other specialties with similar programs in place

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