The Impact of Role Perception Gaps Among Nurses: An Integrative Review


Background & Significance Inadequate communication has consistently been indicated as a contributor to adverse events in all areas of healthcare (Paltved et al, 2017). Factors related to individual, team, work environment, organizational and institutional aspects have also been shown to influence patient safety, with increased chances of causing patient harm (Rezende da Silva dos Santos, Campos & Celestino da Silva, 2018). Efficient communication among healthcare members is considered a contributing element in promoting a culture of safety (Rezende da Silva dos Santos, Campos & Celestino da Silva, 2018). Errors in communication can compromise continuity of care and place patient safety at risk. These errors have been shown as contributors to the occurrence of adverse events (Rezende da Silva dos Santos, Campos & Celestino da Silva, 2018). Relational Coordination Theory provided a framework correlating how superior communication reinforced by high-quality associations such as shared goals and mutual trust and respect can enable nurses to successfully coordinate care leading to positive patient outcomes (Havens, Vasey, Gittell & Lin, 2020).

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