Synergy Analysis Methodology For Decreasing Fuel Cell Production Costs


For meeting CO2 emission targets in the mobility sector, decarbonization efforts of referring applications are necessary. Fuel cell electric vehicles powered by hydrogen demonstrate a viable option to achieve those targets, especially taking the targets of heavy-duty applications into consideration. Higher ranges, short fueling durations and locally emission-free transport represent advantages offered by fuel cells in comparison to internal combustion engines or battery-electric powertrains. However, production costs of fuel cells are still a drawback. Latest analyses show that the utilization of scale effects even in early technology adaption phases can heavily decrease production costs. As the cell structure of fuel cells and electrolyzers show many similarities, the assumption of production synergies is made. Taking advantage of referring synergies, increased production volumes and thus decreased production cost are assumed for fuel cells. This paper introduces a methodology to identify synergies between fuel cell and electrolyzer production. The methodology is used to evaluate a company's production process portfolio on the example of the three alternative coating processes, based on an initial evaluation of the processes and the use of the Analytic Network Process. The application of the methodology results in synergy coefficients for production processes, using the examples of slot die, gravure and spray coating. The coefficients are transferred into an overall benefit of a production process portfolio. Finally, the effect of the considered synergies between fuel cell and electrolyzer production on the overall benefit of a company's production process portfolio is visualized. This paper is concluded with a critical review of the methodology and a summary of further research

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