Research and Design of a High L/D Aircraft


This senior design team, consisting of Blake Ashby, Shelly Barlow, Greg Nielson, Deryl Snyder, and Chris Wright, designed, built, and flew an airplane that met the requirements of the Cessna/ONR Student Design/Build/Fly Competition sponsored by AIAA. This radio-controlled airplane was designed to fly the most laps around a course in seven minutes using only 2.5 pounds of NiCad batteries. A total of three senior design teams from Utah State University designed separate airplanes. Though all three teams designed, built, and tested complete airplanes, each emphasized a different aspect of a successful entry. This team emphasized theoretical and numerical analysis in order to build an aerodynamically clean and efficient airplane. The other teams stressed motor/propellor efficiency and electronic speed control. This team\u27s airplane represented the university at the contest in Wichita, Kansas on April 25, 1998

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