Decreasing Hospital Readmission Rates of Heart Failure Patients: An Evidence-based Quality Improvement Project


BACKGROUND: Teach back is an evidence-based health literacy intervention that encourages patient engagement in own treatment, adherence to treatment, medications, and quality of care. Implementation of teach back method could positively impact readmissions to the hospital in patients experiencing heart failure and any other chronic diseases and it could improve patient’s outcomes. OBJECTIVE: The objective of this project was to implement teach back method in a home care agency in the Hartford area in patients with HF to prevent readmission to the hospital. METHODS: The IOWA model was used and PSDA as tools to support EBP project. RESULTS: Pre and post data obtained from Strategic Healthcare Program (SHP) was compared after introduction of teach-back method to the nurses providing care to patient experiencing a chronic condition including HF, Categories were summarized and compare pre and prost project. Transfers to the hospital were reduced in a 6.35% total of patients 7, with an estimated saving of total cost for the home care agency (HCA) from 75,15975,159- 124,810

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