Microwave remote sensing is significantly altered when passing through clouds
or dense ice. This phenomenon isn't unique to microwaves; for instance,
ultrasound is also disrupted when traversing through heterogeneous tissues.
Understanding the average transmission in particle-filled environments is
central to improve data extraction or even to create materials that can
selectively block or absorb certain wave frequencies. Most methods that
calculate the average transmitted field assume that it satisfies a wave
equation with a complex effective wavenumber. However, recent theoretical work
has predicted more than one effective wave propagating even in a material which
is statistical isotropic and for scalar waves. In this work we provide the
first clear evidence of these predicted multiple effective waves by using high
fidelity Monte-Carlo simulations that do not make any statistical assumptions.
To achieve this, we also had to fill in a missing link in the theory for
particulate materials: we prove that the incident wave does not propagate
within the material, which is usually taken as an assumption called the
Ewald-Oseen extinction theorem. By proving this we conclude that the extinction
length - the distance it takes for the incident wave to be extinct - is equal
to the correlation length between the particles