Training of future teachers of natural sciences for the use of information and communication technologies in their professional activities


Today, an important aspect of future teachers training, in particular, natural sciences, is the usage of innovative technologies and approaches in the educational process of higher education institutions. The features of training future teachers of natural sciences using information and communication technologies are considered. The general global trends in the development of informatization of education are highlighted: expansion of the scope of use new information technologies.The principles of using information and communication technologies in the educational process are highlighted: the principle of visibility; the principle of expediency; the principle of systematicity and consistency; the principle of strength of knowledge; the principle of accessibility; the principle of individualization; the principle of connecting theory with practice; the principle of multimedia; the principle of interactivity. Online tools are highlighted to enable the use of innovative technologies for teaching future teachers of natural sciences. It is noted that in the educational system there are applications and information and communication technologies that widely used in the education system: word supercomputers, databases, demonstration programs, catalogue organization schemes, planners, graphic packages, etc

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