Divine or Human Providence; A Critical Study of Shi’ite, Mu’tazilite, and Ash’arite Exegetes on (Q. 78:30)


Received: 2021/11/15  |   Correction: 2022/4/9   |   Accepted: 2022/4/9The problem of predestination or free will is an issue that has engaged with the Muslims’ minds since the early periods of the rise of Islam, and one of the first issues that led to the emergence of various theological theories and schools among them. There are three basic viewpoints in this regard, according to the first of which man is compelled, however, according to another, he has fully free to choose. The third one that has been developed by the Shi’ite theologians is the simultaneous acceptance of both divine and human providence. According to this viewpoint, the seeming conflict between divine and human providence is resolved because the latter is considered in line with the former. Applying the desk method for discovery and the descriptive-analytic method for justification, the present research anyhow seeks a preferred viewpoint in the field of predestination and free will, albeit through pursuing a critical process. The path is taken in this article thus to examine, analyze, and critique the three suggested theological viewpoints, and their manifestations in the existing interpretations of (Q. 78:30) as well. The research results indicate that the most notable critique of predestination is disregard for divine wisdom, and the most fundamental objection to tafwīḍ (delegation) is the limitation of God’s power and ownership. Such an analysis ultimately seems to strengthen the Shi’ite amr-un bayn-al amrayn (intermediate position) doctrine.Roohi Barandaq, K; Asaee, F. (2022) Divine or Human Providence; A Critical Study of Shi’ite, Mu’tazilite, and Ash’arite Exegetes on (Q. 78:30). Biannual Journal of Comparative Exegetical Researches, 8 (15) 223-250. Doi: 10.22091/PTT.2022.6400.1896

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