The Seven Heavens of the Holy Quran in Mulla Sadra and Fakhr Razi's View


Several Quranic verses have mentioned the concept of the "Seven Heavens". There is no unanimity among the scholars about its interpretation and meaning. Mulla Sadra believes that it is impossible to understand the seven heavens through sensory and material tools, and that the only way to understand its truth and essence is to appeal to the holy Quran and Hadith. He considers the seven heavens as the world of imagination. On the other hand, Fakhr Razi appeals to Ptolemaic system of astrology to interpret the seven heavens and provides a definition based on astrologers' view. He believes that the seven heavens are seven material spheres which go around the Earth. Elaborating on Mulla Sadra and Fakhr Razi's view on the issue, the present paper criticizes the latter's view, and approves and emphasizes on the former's view which is based on Quranic verses and hadiths

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