The benefits derived from the enhancement of inland areas are behind numerous European initiatives. Among them, there is the
Strategia Nazionale Aree Interne (SNAI), which was born in Italy in 2013 and proposes a method for the demarcation of inland territories
according to specific criteria and indicators. Although SNAI s work is relevant, it does not fully consider some crucial factors in describing
the criticality and potential of inland areas. Moreover, little attention is given to dialogue with local stakeholders, whose confrontation
is crucial for pursuing effective territorial development strategies. With such premises, the paper investigates the topic of
territorial development of inland areas by presenting the results of the RI.P.R.O.VA.RE Project. Starting from a new demarcation of the
territories - to be added to that one carried out by SNAI -, the Project analyses their level of resilience with the aim of proposing
effective area strategies. To this end, the results obtained from one of the analysed focus areas are presented, exploring, in particular,
the participatory approach adopted in this application case