Influence of Organic and Conventional Management Systems on Soil Microarthropods in Protected and Non-Protected Areas


Aim: The EU Biodiversity Strategy 2030 aims to increase land-protected areas at 30% and organic farming at 25% of agricultural lands. But which measure could be more effective in preserving soil biodiversity? The aim of the study is, therefore, to assess soil health of arable lands under organic and conventional managements in Non-protected (NPAorg) and Protected (PAcon) areas of Marche region (Italy) and compare the influence of the applied farming practices on soil microarthropods in two seasons, characterized by different intensities of soil management practices: spring (lower) and autumn (higher). Method: Soil health has been assessed through the Biological Quality of Soil index based on arthropods (QBS-ar). Novel approaches (QBS-ab and FAI indices) which consider microarthropods’ abundance in the index calculation, have been also applied. Density (ind/m2), Acari/Collembola ratio, % of Oribatid mites on total mites, biodiversity indices, correlations with chemical-physical parameters, and ordination analysis (nMDS) have been evaluated. Results: In both seasons, different communities have been found according to management and, particularly, PAcon sites showed significantly higher levels of biodiversity compared to NPAorg. However, in autumn, microarthropod communities present higher stability in NPAorg sites, showing an opposite trend and fewer fluctuations of the indices compared to PAcon. Conclusions: PA, even in conventional managed soils, seem to enhance soil biodiversity, while organic farming in NPA, confers a higher resilience to soil, making microarthropod communities more stable. Results showed that agricultural intensity reduction combined with the increased integration of agroecosystems in protected areas may represent an effective, and sustainable measure to preserve soil biodiversity and its ecological services

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