The CombiConsultation: a new concept of sequential consultation with the pharmacist and practice nurse/general practitioner for patients with a chronic condition


The primary health care system is generally well organized for dealing with chronic diseases, but comprehensive medication management is still a challenge. Studies suggest that pharmacists can contribute to effective and safe drug therapy by providing services like a clinical medication review (CMR). However, several factors limit the potential impact of a CMR. Therefore, we propose a new pharmaceutical care service for patients with a chronic condition: the CombiConsultation. The CombiConsultation is a medication evaluation service conducted by the (community) pharmacist and either the practice nurse or general practitioner. It consists of 3 steps: medication check, implementation and follow-up. The pharmacist primarily focusses on setting treatment goals for 1 or 2 drug-related problems in relation to a specific chronic condition. In this manuscript we describe the process and characteristics of the CombiConsultation. We compare the CombiConsultation with the CMR and explain the choices made and the implications for implementation

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