UX evaluation of VR locomotion & virtual object interaction mechanics


Virtual Reality (VR) Interactions like in Ready Player One? Locomotion (LOC) and Virtual Object Interaction (VOI) are two key areas of concern, when designing and developing VR games and other VR applications. This paper describes a study of three interaction modes and their underlying VOI and LOC mechanics, using a range of consumer-oriented VR input setups, spanning from gamepad, over Spatially Tracked Hand Controllers, to Controllerless Hand Tracking and Omnidirectional Treadmill. All corresponding mechanics were implemented in the specifically developed, optimized and polished “real-world” game Gooze, to test them in a real-world scenario with corresponding challenges in gaming and human computer interaction. A within-subjects experiment with 89 participants using qualitative and quantitative analysis methods was conducted. The interaction modes and their mechanics were evaluated based on the four User Experience aspects: Player Enjoyment, Support of Gameplay, Simulator Sickness and Presence, with the latter being subdivided into the four sub-parameters: General Presence, Spatial Presence, Involvement and Experienced Realism, according to the igroup Presence Questionnaire. The paper concludes with summarizing the individual advantages and disadvantages of the assessed interaction modes

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