Earthquake detection capacity of Dense Oceanfloor Network system for Earthquakes and Tsunamis (DONET)


We adopted the Probability-based Magnitude of Completeness (PMC) method and performed a case analysis of the Nankai Trough, a target region monitored for future megathrust earthquakes. JAMSTEC (Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology) has created a seismicity catalog that includes events in this region observed by DONET. Using seismicity data for 2015-2019, we found spatiotemporal variability of completeness magnitude Mp. Mp was lower than 1 in one of the areas where stations are densely deployed, whereas Mp was larger than 2 at the periphery and outside of the DONET area. We then evaluated the temporal evolution of Mp, highlighting how the failure of sets of observing stations influenced Mp if not repaired. Stations are aggregated around the 12 science nodes (hubs that connect the stations) and connected through the two oceanfloor backbone cables to JAMSTEC. We explored the possible use of PMC as a tool with simulation computation of node malfunction. A simulation showed that completeness estimates in the area near failure nodes were about 1 magnitude larger. If such failure occurred for nodes near the region which straddles the rupture zones of the previous Tonankai and Nankai earthquakes in 1940's, it would most pronouncedly affect earthquake monitoring among nodes' failures. It is desirable to repair these nodes or replace with new ones when their malfunction occurs. We then demonstrated an example of how to use Mp information as prior knowledge to seismicity-related studies. We used the b value of the Gutenberg-Richter distribution, and computed it taking Mp into consideration. We found that the spatial and temporal changes in b were strongly correlated to the magnitude-6 class slow slip that grew over two years on the Nankai Trough plate boundary, indicating the b value as a proxy that can help to image stress heterogeneity when there is a slow slip event.Comment: 6 figure

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