Bounds and extremal graphs for total dominating identifying codes


An identifying code CC of a graph GG is a dominating set of GG such that any two distinct vertices of GG have distinct closed neighbourhoods within CC. The smallest size of an identifying code of GG is denoted γID(G)\gamma^{\text{ID}}(G). When every vertex of GG also has a neighbour in CC, it is said to be a total dominating identifying code of GG, and the smallest size of a total dominating identifying code of GG is denoted by γtID(G)\gamma_t^{\text{ID}}(G). Extending similar characterizations for identifying codes from the literature, we characterize those graphs GG of order nn with γtID(G)=n\gamma_t^{\text{ID}}(G)=n (the only such connected graph is P3P_3) and γtID(G)=n1\gamma_t^{\text{ID}}(G)=n-1 (such graphs either satisfy γID(G)=n1\gamma^{\text{ID}}(G)=n-1 or are built from certain such graphs by adding a set of universal vertices, to each of which a private leaf is attached). Then, using bounds from the literature, we remark that any (open and closed) twin-free tree of order nn has a total dominating identifying code of size at most 3n4\frac{3n}{4}. This bound is tight, and we characterize the trees reaching it. Moreover, by a new proof, we show that this bound actually holds for the larger class of all twin-free graphs of girth at least 5. The cycle C8C_8 also attains this bound. We also provide a generalized bound for all graphs of girth at least 5 (possibly with twins). Finally, we relate γtID(G)\gamma_t^{\text{ID}}(G) to the related parameter γID(G)\gamma^{\text{ID}}(G) as well as the location-domination number of GG and its variants, providing bounds that are either tight or almost tight

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