The Quantum Max Cut (QMC) problem has emerged as a test-problem for designing
approximation algorithms for local Hamiltonian problems. In this paper we
attack this problem using the algebraic structure of QMC, in particular the
relationship between the quantum max cut Hamiltonian and the representation
theory of the symmetric group.
The first major contribution of this paper is an extension of non-commutative
Sum of Squares (ncSoS) optimization techniques to give a new hierarchy of
relaxations to Quantum Max Cut. The hierarchy we present is based on
optimizations over polynomials in the qubit swap operators. This is contrast to
the ``standard'' quantum Lasserre Hierarchy, which is based on polynomials
expressed in terms of the Pauli matrices. To prove correctness of this
hierarchy, we give a finite presentation of the algebra generated by the qubit
swap operators. This presentation allows for the use of computer algebraic
techniques to manipulate simplify polynomials written in terms of the swap
operators, and may be of independent interest. Surprisingly, we find that
level-2 of this new hierarchy is exact (up to tolerance 10−7) on all QMC
instances with uniform edge weights on graphs with at most 8 vertices.
The second major contribution of this paper is a polynomial-time algorithm
that exactly computes the maximum eigenvalue of the QMC Hamiltonian for certain
graphs, including graphs that can be ``decomposed'' as a signed combination of
cliques. A special case of the latter are complete bipartite graphs with
uniform edge-weights, for which exact solutions are known from the work of Lieb
and Mattis. Our methods, which use representation theory of the symmetric
group, can be seen as a generalization of the Lieb-Mattis result.Comment: 75 pages, 6 figure