Aproximación a la terminología archivística en Colombia: avances y perspectivas


Although it is true that both terminology and archival have shown theoretical advances in recent decades, it is also true that in the applied plane the progress has not been equal, particularly in Colombia. Specifically, we present here the experience of an interdisciplinary work among terminologists, librarians and archivists, fruit of the research "Terminology data bank in Information Sciences. First stage: archivist database"6. First, an introduction is made to the topic of archival terminology. Its status, reflected in an inventory of reference terminology resources, is shown in the three working languages most used by archivists in the country: Spanish, English and Portuguese. Secondly, as a contribution to the inventory of resources, a working methodology is established for the establishment of terminology databases. Third, the main results are shown: monolingual terminology database with equivalences in English and Portuguese; Archival concept system; and main features of the terms of this area from a brief qualitative and quantitative analysis. Finally, as a conclusion, the reflections arising from the process of collaborative work among specialists in the different areas involved are presented. Likewise, some considerations are presented on the panorama of archival terminology and its projection in the country

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