La terminología como fundamento de los procesos de evaluación curricular en las ciencias de la información


The following contribution aims to establish a connection between terminology and curricular evaluation processes as complementary fields that nourish each other. To this end, we present, in principle, an approach to different perspectives on what is conceived as curricular evaluation by some authors. The following provides general information on the development of curricular evaluation processes at the Inter-American School of Librarianship of the University of Antioquia, from the point of view of the voluntary evaluation modality and for purposes of improvement, as well as from the evaluation that is carried out based on government guidelines, specifically in relation to quality assurance processes of academic programs. It then describes, in a general way, the experience around the research on the Terminological Data Bank of the Information Sciences as a contribution to the terminological harmonization of nearby areas, such as library science, archival, museology and documentation, among others, which, in one way or another, are also fundamental inputs into the curricular evaluation processes, and then culminate with final considerations in this regard

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