Single-particle excitations across the many-body localization transition in quasi-periodic systems


We study many-body localization transition in one dimensional systems in the presence of a deterministic quasi-periodic potential. We focus on single-particle excitations produced in highly excited many-body eigenstates obtained through single-particle Green's function in real space. A finite-size scaling analysis of the ratio of the typical to average value of the local density of states of single particle excitations is performed assuming that the correlation length ξ\xi diverges at the transition point with a power-law ξ∼∣h−hc∣−ν\xi \sim |h-h_c|^{-\nu}. Both for the Aubry-Andre (AA) model and the generalized AA model, the finite size scaling of the local density of states obeys the single parameter scaling. A good quality scaling collapse is obtained for ν≥1\nu \ge 1 which satisfies the generalized Luck's criterion for quasiperiodic systems. This analysis supports the continuous nature of the many-body localization transition in systems with AA and generalized AA potentials.Comment: 10 pages, 11 figure

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