On the exact boundary controllability of semilinear wave equations


We address the exact boundary controllability of the semilinear wave equation ttyΔy+f(y)=0\partial_{tt}y-\Delta y + f(y)=0 posed over a bounded domain Ω\Omega of Rd\mathbb{R}^d. Assuming that ff is continuous and satisfies the condition lim suprf(r)/(rlnpr)β\limsup_{\vert r\vert\to \infty} \vert f(r)\vert /(\vert r\vert \ln^p\vert r\vert)\leq \beta for some β\beta small enough and some p[0,3/2)p\in [0,3/2), we apply the Schauder fixed point theorem to prove the uniform controllability for initial data in L2(Ω)×H1(Ω)L^2(\Omega)\times H^{-1}(\Omega). Then, assuming that ff is in C1(R)\mathcal{C}^1(\mathbb{R}) and satisfies the condition lim suprf(r)/lnprβ\limsup_{\vert r\vert\to \infty} \vert f^\prime(r)\vert/\ln^p\vert r\vert\leq \beta, we apply the Banach fixed point theorem and exhibit a strongly convergent sequence to a state-control pair for the semilinear equation

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