This paper deals with the problem of numerically computing the roots of
polynomials pkβ(x), k=1,2,β¦, of degree n=2kβ1 recursively defined
by p1β(x)=x+1, pkβ(x)=xpkβ1β(x)2+1. An algorithm based on the
Ehrlich-Aberth simultaneous iterations complemented by the Fast Multipole
Method, and by the fast search of near neighbors of a set of complex numbers,
is provided. The algorithm has a cost of O(nlogn) arithmetic operations per
step. A Fortran 95 implementation is given and numerical experiments are
carried out. Experimentally, it turns out that the number of iterations needed
to arrive at numerical convergence is O(logn). This allows us to compute
the roots of pkβ(x) up to degree n=224β1 in about 16 minutes on a laptop
with 16 GB RAM, and up to degree n=228β1 in about one hour on a machine
with 256 GB RAM. The case of degree n=230β1 would require higher memory
and higher precision to separate the roots. With a suitable adaptation of FMM
to the limit of 256 GB RAM and by performing the computation in extended
precision (i.e. with 10-byte floating point representation) we were able to
compute all the roots in about two weeks of CPU time for n=230β1. From the
experimental analysis, explicit asymptotic expressions of the real roots of
pkβ(x) and an explicit expression of miniξ =jββ£ΞΎi(k)ββΞΎj(k)ββ£
for the roots ΞΎi(k)β of pkβ(x) are deduced. The approach is extended
to classes of polynomials defined by a doubling recurrence