the effectiveness of geographical data in multi criteria evaluation of landscape services


The aim of the paper is to map and evaluate the state of the multifunctional landscape of the municipality of Naples (Italy) and its surroundings, through a Spatial Decision-Making support system (SDSS) combining geographic information system (GIS) and a multi-criteria method an analytic hierarchy process (AHP). We conceive a knowledge-mapping-evaluation (KME) framework in order to investigate the landscape as a complex system. The focus of the proposed methodology involving data gathering and processing. Therefore, both the authoritative and the unofficial sources, e.g., volunteered geographical information (VGI), are useful tools to enhance the information flow whenever quality assurance is performed. Thus, the maps of spatial criteria are useful for problem structuring and prioritization by considering the availability of context-aware data. Finally, the identification of landscape services (LS) and ecosystem services (ES) can improve the decision-making processes within a multi-stakeholders perspective involving the evaluation of the trade-off. The results show multi-criteria choropleth maps of the LS and ES with the density of services, the spatial distribution, and the surrounding benefits

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